DBMS Auto Increment fix (Delete circulation entries from database tables)

Certain records reluctant to Checkin due to DBMS auto increment problem. In such cases, the transaction remains in the tables. Developers still working on the solution. Here is a temporary solution. I tried this steps on Koha installed on Debian 8,9 and Ubuntu 16.04 with MySQL and MariaDB Server.

Record reluctant to check-in.

See the message when try to checkin the book.

We have access to the database of Koha and delete the particular entries. Then only we can apply DBMS auto increment fix.
Delete one by one in php Myadmin page

Check Koha > About > System Information

Delete Checkout following old issues

Installation  PHPMyAdmin.

We need to access the database table "old_issues" where all old circulation entries store. Need to install phpMyAdmin tool to access the database table. Open a terminal and apply the following command to install the phpMyAdmin.

Open terminal apply the command

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Select apache2 and Ok (Enter space bar key Select option ) 

Enter your mysql Password : mysqlroot

Enter Your Confirmation mysql password

Select abort and (OK)

Another important configuration file is /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf, this file is symlinked to /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf, and, once enabled, is used to configure Apache2 to serve the phpMyAdmin site. The file contains directives for loading PHP, directory permissions, etc. From a terminal type:

Open terminal apply the following command

sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf

sudo a2enconf phpmyadmin.conf

sudo systemctl reload apache2.service

Login phpMyAdmin


Username: root (your sql username)

Password: mysqlroot (sql password )

1.Search and find the old_issues table in koha_library database.

Search the ID.

2.Click old_issues table to dive inside the table.

3. Search the particular ID Number to delete the circulation entry reluctant to check-in.

Compiled delete for the checkout issue id

4.Finally Book Return Successfully

Successfully removed all auto increment entry's. 

If you have any error in mysql password, use the following method

 If you have any error in PHP, use the following method

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  1. If you want to know that How to find database username and password in phpMyAdmin then click this link for more information:
    How to find database username and password in phpMyAdmin
