How to koha OPAC New Arrivals Books Display (Koha CoverFlow plugin) koha 20.5

Koha CoverFlow (New Arrivals)

Create a SQL public Report

Create a report and please note down the report id (here is SQL statement for New Arrivals)
Reports › Create from SQL
Copy and paste the following line.

SELECT b.biblionumber, i.Barcode, SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, b.title 
  FROM items i
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblioitemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
  WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 15 DAY) <= i.dateaccessioned AND m.isbn IS NOT NULL AND m.isbn != ''
  GROUP BY biblionumber
  HAVING isbn != ""
  LIMIT 30

Koha CoverFlow Setup

Download the koha-plugin-coverflow

Enable Koha plugins

You must first Enable Koha plugin and some changes, so visit the video:

Upload Plugin

Go to Administration > Manage plugins > Upload a plugin > Choose > koha-coverflow-plugin-v2.4.0.kpz and upload

Once the Koha coverflow plugin was install click on Configure

In the Image options Section
            Limit image size (height in pixels) 250
Limit title length (width in pixels) 150

In the mapping Section following line copy and paste

- id: 27
  selector: "#coverflow"
  style: coverflow
- id: 27
  selector: ".coverflow_class"
  buttons: true
  autoplay: 3000
  style: wheel


NOTE: Where id: 20 is the report id please write your SQL report id

Web Server Configuration

Open Applications > System Tools > Terminal

Apply the following command

sudo su (Enter the mysql password)
sudo leafpad /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/library.conf

Add the following line at the bottom of the file. replace the library with your koha instance name

ScriptAlias / "/var/lib/koha/library/plugins/Koha/Plugin/Com/ByWaterSolutions/CoverFlow/"
Alias /plugin/ "/var/lib/koha/library/plugins/"
# The stanza below is needed for Apache 2.4+
<Directory /var/lib/koha/library/plugins/>
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride None
      Require all granted

Restart memcached: 
sudo service memcached restart

Restart your webserver: 
sudo service apache2 restart

OPAC Config

Now go to Administrator > global system preferences > OpacMainUserBlock

I put the following line in the system preference OpacMainUserBlock:

<b><h2><center><u><font color="purple">New Arrivals</font></h2></b></u>
<span id="coverflow">Loading...</span></center>

Post a Comment


  1. Error: YAML Error: Inconsistent indentation level Code: YAML_PARSE_ERR_INCONSISTENT_INDENTATION Line: 2 Document: 1 at /usr/share/perl5/YAML/ line 737.

    Please solved this problem

    1. please verified following lines.

      - id: 27
      selector: #coverflow
      buttons: true
      autoplay: 3000
      mode: carousel
      loop: true

      Limit image size (height in pixels) 250
      Limit title length (width in pixels) 150

      Verified your CoverFlow ID (report section)

    2. Error: YAML Error: Inconsistent indentation level Code: YAML_PARSE_ERR_INCONSISTENT_INDENTATION Line: 2 Document: 1 at /usr/share/perl5/YAML/ line 737.

      I have got this error. Than what can i do

  2. Cannot unpack file to the plugins directory.
    Please verify that the Apache user can write to the plugins directory.

  3. following above all steps. plugin is not showing images in koha opac just txt new arrivals and loading.....

  4. Hi! Thank you for your tutorial. It was successful for me. But my koha opac just registered with SSL certificate. Since then, the plugin is not working anymore. Do you have any idea how to resolve it?

    Thank you in advance!

  5. is it possible to use this feature in our own website not in opac. any suggetion

    1. visit:

  6. i follow the exact the same step that mention in the video but its not working in koha version 20.05 can you explain please why its happening and is there any solution for that please

    1. one more time try re install or part 2 new arrivals video visit

  7. Message from Plugin
    Generate Carousel
    You have no lists or none are set to be generated! Create lists and set them so you can generate carousels.
    What happening?

  8. Koha OpacMainUserBlock option is not available in the latest koha release.

    1. Go to : koha Tools> News >New enty
      create the OpacMainUserBlock

  9. This coverflow is compatible with koha 20.11?

  10. When creating the report, this message appears. Did you explain to me what the problem was?
    The following error was encountered:
    The databases returned the following error:
    please check the log for further details

  11. Sir, I am using koha version 21.11. I used this command sudo gedit /etc/koha......koha-conf.xml changed the value 0 to 1 and sudo service apache2 restart. But it is not showing in system preferences UseKohaPlugins.. Please help...

  12. Followed all the instructions above step by step but not working, what are the prerequisites to install the coverflow plugin?
