How to Install Koha on Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS | Install Koha on Latest Stable Version (with very easy steps)

Install Ubuntu MATE

Koha officially supports Ubuntu MATE. Download Ubuntu-MATE-20.04.1-desktop(amd64 bit) from the following link,

Burn the Ubuntu MATE ISO image to a Pen Drive/CD/DVD. Insert the medium, change the boot option of the computer and start the installation process of Ubuntu. Visit the link to familiar with the Ubuntu MATE installation.

Open Terminal on your Ubuntu machine for Koha installation.

sudo su

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

Install mousepad Text Editor

apt-get install mousepad

Add Koha repository

sudo apt install -y software-properties-common dirmngr file-roller 

Add Koha Community Repository & Trusted Repository Key

echo 'deb oldstable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Update Software Repository

apt-get update

Install Koha Software

sudo apt install -y koha-common

Port Configuration

Open following file to change port number.

sudo mousepad /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf

Here I change the port number of the Koha staff client to 8080. Find the following line in the file and make changes.


Install MariaDB Client & Server

We will use MariaDB Client and Server for Koha Database. Execute following commands one by one to
Install MariaDB Client .

sudo apt install mariadb-client-10.3

Install MariaDB Server.

sudo apt install mariadb-server

Assign Root password for MariaDB

sudo mysqladmin -u root password newpass

[Replace 'newpass']

Koha instance creation

Apply the following commands to create Apache configuration files.

sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo a2enmod cgi

sudo service apache2 restart

Create a Koha instance with the name library. (Your Library Short Name)

sudo koha-create --create-db library

Add new port

We have assigned 8080 port for the Koha staff client and 80 for OPAC.  Open the following file and add the new port, 8080 to Apache.

sudo mousepad /etc/apache2/ports.conf

Copy-paste following line below Listen 80
Listen 8080

Restart Apache,

sudo service apache2 restart

Enable modules and sites

sudo a2dissite 000-default

sudo a2enmod deflate

sudo a2ensite library

sudo service apache2 restart

Run the following command to install “Locale::Language” perl module.

sudo apt install liblocale-codes-perl

Enable & Start Plack for Koha Performance Improvement (Only enable it if you have sufficient RAM):

sudo koha-plack --enable library && sudo koha-plack --start library

Install perl modules koha Supporting

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::KohaSupport'

Restart Memcached service to open Koha web installer.

sudo service memcached restart

Open the following link in the web browser to open the staff client of Koha and set up the library,

Staff Client

Enter into the Koha staff client using the Database username and password of koha_libraryIt can find from the file, /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml. 

Apply the following file in a terminal.

sudo mousepad /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml

Multiple Instances library  

Open and edit apache2 site file add port numbers
sudo mousepad /etc/apache2/sites-available/library.conf

Setup the library

After the successful installation, need to create initial parameters Visit links (e.g. 



3.Superuser Creation or super Librarian ,

4.Circulation rules,

7.Adding a New Books etc...) to start with Koha. We need to open the web interface of Koha and start the configuration of Koha to start.


Koha on Ubuntu - packages
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